Monday, July 7, 2014

Welcome to the revolution.

Welcome to the revolution.
Oh, no, I didn't know what I was getting into, either. I didn't realize that getting behind the wheel of that little white electric car in the motor pool would take me through the looking glass into a world where LOVE would make me an enemy of the Oilies - the most powerful, ruthless, and well-armed coalition in the world.

But isn't that the way with revolutions?
I admit - like you, the first thing I saw was the nice body. I got a little closer, and ooh, nice interior, too. I slid behind the wheel and adjusted the seat, and, although I didn't know it yet, it was already too late for me. I was about to be hooked.
I pressed the key button and heard...nothing.
I put my foot to the pedal, cautiously, and that little white car leaped out of the parking space, so agile, so quick! And so completely, deliciously, quiet. I tuned the stereo to the classical station I love, and for the first time in an automobile I could hear every nuance of the music. Everything. Every flute, every cello, every subtle musical comment, every cough and shuffle from the audience, practically as clear as wearing headphones and sitting on the couch. As I stepped on it and pulled out into traffic, I remember feeling joy. Silly, yeah, I know. The same, silly, animal joy that comes over me when I launch myself off the side of the swimming pool and glide through the water like a seal.

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