Thursday, October 1, 2015

Are electric cars safe to drive? Exposure to their electromagnetic fields could cause cancer?

Experts dismiss fears !

  • Flow of electrical current to motor produces electromagnetic fields (EMF)
  • EMF has been linked with serious health issues, including a higher risk of cancer, miscarriage, depression, headaches and memory problems
  • Highest values of electromagnetic exposure in electric cars were measured near the floor, close to the battery itself and when starting the cars
  • Study found EMF exposure was lower than 20% of the value recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection

Electric cars have been silently taking over our garages, streets and cities.
But while the vehicles may be good for the planet, some people are concerned their magnetic fields may not be good for a driver’s health.
Now a seven-country study argues that these concerns are unfounded with evidence to suggest electric cars do not generate electromagnetic fields higher than the dose recommended.
When electric cars first began appearing on our roads, some people were worried about the dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMF) that might affect drivers. Now a seven-country study has found that the magnetic fields in electric vehicles pose no danger as their EMF levels are below recommended standards
When electric cars first began appearing on our roads, some people were worried about the dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMF) that might affect drivers. Now a seven-country study has found that the magnetic fields in electric vehicles pose no danger as their EMF levels are below recommended standards
The dangers of electromagnetic fields in hybrid and electric vehicles began emerging on internet forums as soon as the first car began appearing on our roads.
The flow of electrical current to the motor that moves a hybrid vehicle produces electromagnetic fields (EMF). 

number of studies have linked EMF exposure with serious health issues, including a possible risk of cancer, miscarriage and a higher risk of leukaemia among children.
Batteries and power cables in electric and hybrid vehicles are usually placed close to the driver and passengers, meaning that prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields is unavoidable.

  • The highest values of electromagnetic exposure in electric cars were measured near the floor, close to the battery itself and when starting the cars. In all cases, exposure to magnetic fields was lower than 20 per cent of the value recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)

The highest values of electromagnetic exposure in electric cars were measured near the floor, close to the battery itself and when starting the cars. In all cases, exposure to magnetic fields was lower than 20 per cent of the value recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)
‘Some members of the public have attributed a diffuse collection of symptoms to low levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields at home,’ according to the World Health Organisation.


The flow of electrical current to the motor that moves a hybrid vehicle or electric produces electromagnetic fields (EMF).
A number of studies have linked EMF exposure with serious health issues, including a possible risk cancer, miscarriage and a higher risk of leukaemia among children.
Batteries and power cables in electric and hybrid vehicles are usually placed close to the driver and passengers, meaning that prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields is unavoidable.
‘Some members of the public have attributed a diffuse collection of symptoms to low levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields at home,’ according to the World Health Organisation. 
‘Reported symptoms include headaches, anxiety, suicide and depression, nausea, fatigue and loss of libido, sleep disorders, headaches, tiredness, concentration and memory problems.’ 
‘Reported symptoms include headaches, anxiety, suicide and depression, nausea, fatigue and loss of libido, sleep disorders, headaches, tiredness, concentration and memory problems.’
According to a report by Jim Motavalli in the New York Times, a number of hybrid owners tested their cars for electromagnetic fields using hand-held meters and were alarmed by the results.
But the latest study, led by Norway-based Sintef, argues these concerns have been blown out of proportion.
EMF levels in seven different electric cars, one hydrogen-powered car, two petrol-fuelled cars and one diesel-fuelled car were measured in the laboratory and during road tests.
The highest values of electromagnetic exposure in electric cars were measured near the floor, close to the battery itself and when starting the cars.
In all cases, exposure to magnetic fields was lower than 20 per cent of the value recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
Sensors picked up a burst of radiation that same level, when the cars were started.
Measurements taken at head-height - using a test dummy with sensors located in the head, chest and feet - were shown to be less than two per cent of the recommended value
The flow of electrical current to the motor that moves a hybrid vehicle or electric produces electromagnetic fields (EMF). A number of studies have linked EMF exposure with serious health issues, including a possible risk cancer, miscarriage, depression and a higher risk of leukaemia among children
The flow of electrical current to the motor that moves a hybrid vehicle or electric produces electromagnetic fields (EMF). A number of studies have linked EMF exposure with serious health issues, including a possible risk cancer, miscarriage, depression and a higher risk of leukaemia among children
In the case of petrol and diesel powered cars, exposure was measured at around 10 per cent of the exposure levels considered to be safe.
‘There is absolutely no cause for concern,’ said Kari Schjolberg-Henriksen, a physicist at Sintef.
‘The difference between this research and similar earlier work is that we have taken into account what contributes to the magnetic fields.
‘The rotation of the wheels themselves generates considerable magnetic fields, irrespective of vehicle type.’
The EU-funded research project EM Safety is the most comprehensive study yet carried out to identify different sources of magnetic fields in electric cars.

- Daily Mail

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